g'day all,
This season the C-b C have avoided their previous
roosting places with my only sightings of them were flying
However, 2 young hatched at our golf course and presumably
from the nest where each year the nest owners (Australian Magpies)
attack golfers. I first noticed them 2 weeks ago when the 2 almost
fully grown juveniles were heard begging for food on a Figtree branch and
being fed by a group of magpies.
Last Wednesday, after golf I returned and checked them out at
close quarters. They were now in separate Figtrees and being fed by
separate groups of magpies. One of the C-b C sometimes would fly down onto the
fairway and wait alongside one of the magpies and still calling out for
Yesterday at dusk I noted a C-b C (still crying out
for food) with 3 magpies roosting on a 132,000V tower (about 400meters from
the earlier sightings.) This time the magpies were ignoring the begging
Question: Is it rare/common for 2 C-b C to hatch from the one nest ?
Regards, Bob Forsyth, Mount Isa, NW