Thank you for your comments.
I have seen Ringnecks feeding on the flowers of the
red flowered Eremophila latrobei.
I was surprised to see them apparently feeding on
old dry fruits (or seeds).
Patches of Eremophila latrobei in flower
are very attractive to honeyeaters including the Black and Pied, and sometimes
event the elusive Grey. However I have never seen any honeyeaters feeding
on Eremophila freelingii, although this species is more
widespread. I wonder if the nectar production of this species varies
between regions.
Robert Read
Richard Johnson wrote
have been recorded eating Eremophila buds, E. maculata flowers,
E. oppositifolia fruit. There were no records of
Eremophila-eating for Bluebonnets, Red-winged Parrots, Pale-headed
Rosellas, Mulga Parrots, Red-rumped or Bourke's Parrots. Of course, no records
doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't happen - I'll be keeping an eye out
in future. On the other hand, Eremophila nectar is a big turn-on
for many honeyeaters. The Black HE seems particularly attuned to
Eremophila flowering and at various places in SW Qld I have recorded
them feeding at the flowers of E. sturtii, E. freelingi, E.