Some good friends of mine completed a survey of French
Island, an Idylic Island here in Western Port Bay with
these results:
Hope they make your ticking fingers twitchy :-]
This is only a quarter of what they found, 212 in
total, not bad for 2 days out on the Island eh?
Great Crested Grebe
Hoary-Headed Grebe
Australasian Grebe
Little Penguin
Black-Browed Albatross
Shy Albatross
Southern Giant Petrel
Southern Fulmar
Cape Petrel
White-Headed Petrel
Fairy Prion
Short-Tailed Shearwater
Fluttering Shearwater
Common Diving Petrel
Australian Pelican
Australasian Gannet
Black-Faced Shag
Great Cormorant
Pied Cormorant
Little Black Cormorant
Little Pied Cormorant
Pacific Heron
White-Faced Heron
Cattle Egret
Great Egret
Little Egret
Rufous Night Heron
Australasian Bittern
Glossy Ibis
Sacred Ibis
Straw-Necked Ibis
Royal Spoonbill
Black Swan
Cape Barren Goose
Australian Shelduck
Pacific Black Duck
Grey Teal
Chestnut Teal
Australasian Shoveller
Pink-Eared Duck
Maned Duck
Blue-Billed Duck
Musk Duck
Black-Shouldered Kite
Letter-Winged Kite
Whistling Kite
Brown Goshawk
Collared Sparrowhawk
White-Bellied Sea Eagle
Wedge-Tailed Eagle
Spotted Harrier
Marsh Harrier
The full list is sadly on it's way by snail mail to
Cere Hugo of BA. :-]
Having puta problems down here with links grrrrr.
Have a great weegend everyone.
2001 a "Bird Odyssey"
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