-----Original Message-----
From: Syd Curtis <>
>Hello Barbara,
> You asked, 10:51 AM Aug 31 -
>> What are the errors in the Morcombe field guide, please?
>I'll give you one: the tail of the male Albert Lyrebird is depicted as
>straight. In fact it has an upward curve throughout its' length (see "The
>Albert Lyrebird in Display", Emu, 1972, last para page 81). But at least
>the tail isn't as woeful an apology for an Albert tail as that in
>1986 "Great Australian Birdfinder".
>However, this minor error needs to be put into perspective. I checked at
>the local Angus & Robertson Bookworld shop. As well as Morcombe the shop
>Pizzey and Knight (tail straight)
>Slater (tail curving down at the end)
>Simpson & Day (tail behind a log)
>Not one shows it correctly.
Syd, did you have a look at Pizzey and Doyle?
Not having seen an Albert's lyrebird (or a superb, for that matter ;^) ), I
can't comment personally, but the illustration in Pizzey and Doyle certainly
shows curving tail feathers (not lyrate). As you may have guessed, I still
much prefer the "old" Pizzey.
Vicki PS
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