To Everyone,
I feel that using this e-mail list for a political statement, as sent by
Brian Everingham is a totally incorrect procedure.
A National Woodlands campaigner from Victoria,encouraging members of
Birding-Aus to sign a letter written by him[I presume,] in an attempt to
sway the Queensland Government, firstly , and the Federal Government,
secondly, is quite ludicrous.
As fourth generation graziers on a small holding in S.W.Qld., who care for
the native flora and fauna with great expense to ourselves, we find the said
article offensive in the extreme.
I have only been on this list for one week and all the addresses seem to be
confined to within a couple of hundred klms. of the coastal fringe, apart
from David Geering, who was spot on re. his correspondence 17/8/00 and also
someone from Mt. Isa re. the Cloncurry parrot.
Rural Australia has had enough of having to pay for the "mistakes" of our
forebears [isn't hindsight a wonderful thing?] and to use this e-mail as a
political forum is despicable.
We derive our living from this land and if we abuse it, no more living.
We invite anyone who is interested to come and visit our property and view
not only the bird life but all other aspects, such as extra waters put in,
without which there would not be the variety of birds in this area.
Julie McLaren.