Saturday night I drove to Kandos and stayed at the Kandos hotel, ($22
including breakfast) so I could get an easy start to the day. At 8.30am I
was at some flowering White Box trees beside the road, 26.7km from Kandos
or 5.8km from Bogee Creek driving towards Glen Alice. There was a 2805
number on the gate opposite. I saw several (perhaps 10 pairs) of Regent
Honeyeaters along the road. At times the dominant call was the Regent
Honeyeater, that is above the Red Wattlebirds, Noisy Friarbirds, Little
Friarbirds, White-plumed Honeyeaters, Fuscous Honeyeaters, black-chinned
Honeyeaters, and for me a highlight, a pair of Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters.
It was a nice moment when David Geering turned up doing his Regent
Honeyeater and Swift Parrot count. We chatted and he thought the Regents
might nest in the area. I saw Swift Parrots on three occasions but every
time they flew at high speed. I thought there were 20 in the first flock.
Other birds of note were 10 Yellow-tailed black Cockatoos, many Little
Lorikeets, some Musk Lorikeets, a Rufous Songlark, Diamond Firetail, and a
pair of Hooded Robins.
As I was heading to Glen Alice, a Square-tailed Kite was soaring above the
roadside forest. I am glad I stopped to check it out. Does life get any
Trevor Quested
Sydney, Australia
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