From: Martin on 21/07/2000 11:18 AM
Subject: Recommendations to list birds in Victoria (Aust.)
Recommendations to list birds in Victoria
Dear All,
The Victorian Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) has been considering a number
of nominations for various taxa, communities and potentially threatening
processes in Victoria under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. The
Committee has made preliminary recommendations to list several woodland birds as
threatened in Victoria:
Hooded Robin
Diamond Firetail
Crested Bellbird
Speckled Warbler and
Other birds recommended for listing are:
Southern Giant-Petrel
Northern Giant-Petrel
The Committee's recommendations have been advertised in the Victorian media
?The Age? and ?The Weekly Times?). The Committee is now inviting submissions
on these preliminary recommendations and encourages the public to lodge thier
opinions with the committee. The public comment period is 30 working days
following advertisement of the preliminary recommendations and finishes on 4
August 2000.
If any list members would like to secure copies of the (brief) Preliminary
Recommendation Reports in order to make a submission, please contact me
directly. Should anyone have any inquiries regarding the nominations please
feel free to contact myself or the Secretary SAC (Phillip Wierzbowski 039 412
4955, email: Phillip at the address below.
Martin O'Brien
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Threatened Species and Communities Unit
4/250 Victotria Pde.,
East Melbourne 3002