I was interested to read Rory's
comments. As he said they are only preliminary observations and
there are many factors influencing the results as other people have
Just a couple of comments from me:-
-I think the Nankeen Kestrels and Black-shouldered
kites are missing from some areas because they're all following the high numbers
of mice in inland NSW! There's no shortage there especially of the
-Putting the blame for declining numbers straight
on to cats and foxes is rather presumptuous I feel. To be quite
honest, I get so tired of this being trotted out as THE REASON for bird and
small mammal decline. They certainly do have some effect, but
man has had a far greater effect with all the clearing of habitat.
Feral animals have much less impact in natural areas where the native wildlife
have places to hide in and escape to. Why can't humans be honest and
blame themselves.
-Finally, there was no mention of the smaller bush
dwelling birds such as robins, whitefaces etc. How are they
faring? I live on the NW slopes of NSW and haven't seen a whiteface
or any of the red robins for years in the vicinity of my house.