I had a look at Glen Rock Regional Reserve - 40 km s Gatton on the w/e -
just officially opened the w/e before - apparently 900 cars turned up
for the sausage sizzle.
The place is being set up for camping and day trip types [shelter shed,
toilet block, shower block [under construction], and numerous picnic
tables and bbqs. The place should be open for camping in about 6
weeks. For some reason, the place will be run by Brisbane Forest Park
so enquiries should be directed to them.
It is a fairly good birding location, with birds like speckled warblers
frequenting the place. I also saw a pale-headed rosella in with a flock
of eastern rosellas, some of which lacked the red on the chests -
probably hybrids [first time I've seen them].
As for the bushwalking, Glen Rock - Red Rock makes a nice circuit,
although a poorly constructed bulldozer track has made a bit of a mess
of the way down from the Red Rock Saddle.
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