Lorne wrote
"What a 'limited' response."
Yeah right. At least I managed more than four words. This response from
Lorne (be Lorne male, female or undescribed as yet), is just another peice
of insignificant rubbish that invades the real birding news.
Lorne, I wonder of all those others who repeatedly say that the
pastoralists, agriculturalists and other land managers have severely
degraded our environment ever look at themselves as being a major
contributor also. The growth of urbanism in todays society is quickly eating
into bushland areas. And as a direct result plant poffy roses and vegie
patches so that they can feed their vegetarian addictions.
Let's talk birds, the real meat of this system that we are all interested
So, as a reflection of these words, I shall kindly inform you all of an
observation of Swift Parrots for Simon Kennedy.
I was travelling up to Bathurst Friday week ago, and nearing the quite town
of West Wylong, I saw these birds fly across near Charcoal Tank, a top spot
which I would like to spend more time in. The Ironbarks only had little
blossom, but there seemed to be an abundance of lerp. Apparently this is
what the Swifties were maily feeding on last year in the area.
Simon, I shall send the forms to you during the week. In Bendigo Monday and
Tuesday, and shall be checking out the sites where Chris Tzaros and I found
Swifties in abundance as you have come to know (Tunstalls, Daleynong etc.).
Buy the way, great Steak Sandwiches at the cafe near the tourist info
centre. Recommended to everyone who passes through. Yeah, even you Lorne.
Cheers, and all the best whilst birding,
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