
Re: [cog-l] [Fwd: [BIRDING-AUS] Fwd: GPS "Selective Availability" turne

To: "Birding-Aus" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [cog-l] [Fwd: [BIRDING-AUS] Fwd: GPS "Selective Availability" turned off]
From: "Paul Taylor" <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 20:40:31 +1000
David McDonald wrote:
> It's true!!! Bloody amazing!!!
> *  On my Garmin 12 I'm getting an estimated position error as low as 4
> metres!
> *  When I am stationary, it gives my speed as zero!
> *  Extremely rapid changes to the readout of speed and track
> *  and amazingly, even the altitude readout is both stable and correct.
> Wow!

My own experiments confirm that SA has been turned off.  On first lock,
the EPE (Estimated Position Error) was 9 metres, with only 3 satellites
- better than I ever remember seeing it even with 12 satellites locked
in!  I imagine that the time to lock on to the satellites will be
reduced now, too.

I'm running VisualGPS (,
a program that takes NMEA data from the GPS and performs long-term
averages on the position and elevation.  In two previous runs of over
24 hours, the position track showed the classic "drunken walk" of the
SA error - a blob of approximately 50 metres radius, with some longer
runs caused by multipath reflections etc.  The altitude plot was
similarly random, but with an even greater error (rule of thumb:
altitude error is 150% position error.)  The altitude values changed
so much that they were practically useless!

With SA turned off, the plots are *much* different.  I haven't let it
run for 24 hours yet, but even after thirty minutes, it looks great!
Both the position and altitude plots still show random deviations, but
the errors are *much* smaller.  The position has varied so little that
the  resolution limitation of NMEA data is clearly visible.  (with SA,
the "random walk" error swamped this after only a few minutes.)  The 
altitude values still aren't great, but I would consider them to be
usable; if altitude accuracy is important to you, stick with a (properly
calibrated) barometric altimeter.

If you had doubts about the usefulness of GPS before, take another

   Paul Taylor                                  Veni, vidi, tici -
                           I came, I saw, I ticked.

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  • Re: [cog-l] [Fwd: [BIRDING-AUS] Fwd: GPS "Selective Availability" turned off], Paul Taylor <=

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