Hotfoot <> wrote:
From: "Hotfoot" <>
To: <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 08:40:15 -0700
Thanks for your inquiry, however I don't quite
understand the question. Please feel free to call us
if you would like to discuss any of our products. As
mentioned in our website, Hot Foot Gel is non
irritating to birds or humans despite it's name.
"Hot Foot" is an Australian slang term which means
to "leave in a hurry". The Gel itself only provides
the birds with a sticky sensation, but it is quite
free to leave. The Gel (if any) on the birds feet soon
comes off, and as mentioned before contains no
chemicals that burn, irritate, itch or anything else.
Thanks again,
Hot Foot America L.P.
I got this from "Hotfoot" USA and what I have to ask
them is that a small amount is left on the foot of the
bird and it therefore creates on the birds foot a
sticky surface to which other foreign matter can
attach itself. This is what I believe is causing the
problem with harmed USA bird feet? anyone else out
there having a problem this this product? either here
in Australia or overseas?
John A. Gamblin
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