I recently
asked for help regarding resources on “how to use a GPS”, as I wanted to be
able to use much of its functionality rather than merely use lat/long readings
and easting/northing readings.
Many of the responses I received from people were very helpful.
Many thanks for David
McDonald’s advice regarding the book by Lawrence Letham “GPS Made Easy: Using global positioning systems in
the outdoors', 2nd edition, Rocky Mountain Books, Calgary, Alta, 1998”. I was able to obtain a copy of this
book (the last one that Paddy Pallins, Sydney had, $24.95). This book is FANTASTIC and I thoroughly
recommend it. It was exactly what
I was looking for, written in plain English, step by step, so that you could
really understand what all the numbers and terminology in a GPS mean. More than this, it explained UTM
measurements on a map (and different formats for these), the various
latitude/longitude formats (and their presentation on maps) etc. etc. FANTASTIC.
It had good explanations as to when you might, or might not, use
certain features of the GPS. With
excellent complete illustrations and examples to work through, I think I now
understand some 70-90% of my GPS’ functionality, rather than only 10%. Thanks David.
Thanks also to Bob Forsyth for references to various websites,
Brian Fleming and Paul Taylor for taking time to expand on some items I raised
in my original email.
Inglis: thanks for your first
email with references to websites.
I’m not sure why your second email said: “Most of the replies to Irene's request
concerning using GPS haven't been really helpful in my opinion.” I personally found them very helpful.
Irene Denton
Concord West (Sydney)
33º 50’ 17” 151º 05’
25” !!!!!!!!!!