Hello alexandra,
I am living in Paris, and I can assure U that it is possible
to see some birds in the "romance" town or very close. Although french birders
are not so many, there are many outings each week-end, near or
around Paris. If you can move outside Paris, you can expect to
see many different species in a day.
The spots in town are Bois de Boulogne, as an urban wood.
( seen last 5/3/2000 in the morning )
1 . / Grand Cormoran [Great Cormorant] Phalacrocorax carbo
2 . / Epervier d'Europe [Eurasian Sparrowhawk] Accipiter nisus
3 . / Faucon crécerelle [Common Kestrel] Falco tinnunculus
4 . / Pigeon colombin [Stock Pigeon] Columba oenas
5 . / Pigeon ramier [Wood Pigeon ] Columba palumbus
6 . / Pic vert [Green Woodpecker] Picus viridis
7 . / Pic épeiche [Great Spotted Woodpecker] Dendrocopos major
8 . / Troglodyte mignon [Wren] Troglodytes troglodytes
9 . / Accenteur mouchet [Hedge Accentor] Prunella modularis
10 . / Rougegorge familier [European Robin] Erithacus rubecula
11 . / Merle noir [Blackbird ] Turdus merula
12 . / Grive musicienne [Song Thrush] Turdus philomelos
13 . / Grive draine [Mistle Thrush] Turdus viscivorus
14 . / Pouillot véloce [Common Chiffchaff] Phylloscopus collybita
15 . / Roitelet huppé [Goldcrest] Regulus regulus
16 . / Mésange à longue queue [Long-tailed tit] Aegithalos caudatus
17 . / Mésange nonnette [Marsh tit] Parus palustris
18 . / Mésange noire [Coal tit] Parus ater
19 . / Mésange bleue [Blue tit] Parus caeruleus
20 . / Mésange charbonnière [Great tit] Parus major
21 . / Sittelle torchepot [Wood Nuthatch ] Sitta europaea
22 . / Grimpereau des jardins [Short-toed Treecreeper] Certhia
23 . / Geai des chênes [Eurasian Jay] Garrulus glandarius
24 . / Pie bavarde [Black-billed Magpie] Pica pica
25 . / Corneille noire [Carrion Crow] Corvus corone
26 . / Etourneau sansonnet [Common Starling] Sturnus vulgaris
27 . / Moineau domestique [Common Sparrow] Passer domesticus
28 . / Pinson des arbres [Chaffinch] Fringilla coelebs
29 . / Pinson du Nord [Brambling ] Fringilla montifringilla
30 . / Serin cini [European Serin] Serinus serinus
31 . / Verdier d'Europe [Greenfinch] Carduelis chloris
32 . / Chardonneret élégant [Goldfinch] Carduelis carduelis
33 . / Tarin des aulnes [Siskin ] Carduelis spinus
and Bois de Vincennes : same urban area but more open forest.
( here you could find black woodpecker and owls )
You could also consider Cimetierre de Bagneux .
Outside Paris, you can see all different species of
woodpeckers in these forests :
Foret de Notre-Dame ( very good for woodpeckers)
( seen last 18/3/2000 in the morning )
1 . / Faucon crécerelle [Common Kestrel] Falco tinnunculus
2 . / Faisan de chasse [Common Pheasant] Phasianus colchicus
3 . / Foulque macroule [Common Coot ] Fulica atra
4 . / Pigeon ramier [Wood Pigeon ] Columba palumbus
5 . / Pic vert [Green Woodpecker] Picus viridis
6 . / Pic noir [Black Woodpecker] Dryocopus martius
7 . / Pic épeiche [Great Spotted Woodpecker] Dendrocopos major
8 . / Troglodyte mignon [Wren] Troglodytes troglodytes
9 . / Rougegorge familier [European Robin] Erithacus rubecula
10 . / Tarier pâtre [Common Stonechat] Saxicola torquata
11 . / Merle noir [Blackbird ] Turdus merula
12 . / Pouillot véloce [Common Chiffchaff] Phylloscopus collybita
13 . / Roitelet huppé [Goldcrest] Regulus regulus
14 . / Mésange à longue queue [Long-tailed tit] Aegithalos caudatus
15 . / Mésange boréale [Willow tit] Parus montanus
16 . / Mésange bleue [Blue tit] Parus caeruleus
17 . / Mésange charbonnière [Great tit] Parus major
18 . / Sittelle torchepot [Wood Nuthatch ] Sitta europaea
19 . / Pie bavarde [Black-billed Magpie] Pica pica
20 . / Corneille noire [Carrion Crow] Corvus corone
21 . / Etourneau sansonnet [Common Starling] Sturnus vulgaris
22 . / Pinson des arbres [Chaffinch] Fringilla coelebs
Foret de Senart : good for middle-spotted woodpecker, nightingale,
golden oriole.
Foret de Fontainebleau : all woodpeckers, included grey headed , middle
spotted and black woodpecker, wryneck , Dartford warbler, nightjar .
Foret de Saint-Germain
For water birds, you can visit Lavacourt (78) near Seine river :
( seen last 16.1.2000 in the morning )
1 . Plongeon catmarin [Red-throated Diver] Gavia stellata : x2
2 . Plongeon imbrin [Great Northern Diver] Gavia immer :x1
3 . Grèbe castagneux [Little Grebe] Tachybaptus ruficollis
4 . Grèbe huppé [Great Crested Grebe] Podiceps cristatus
5 . Grand Cormoran [Great Cormorant] Phalacrocorax carbo
6 . Héron cendré [Grey Heron] Ardea cinerea
7 . Cygne tuberculé [Mute Swan] Cygnus olor
8 . Cygne noir [Black Swan] Cygnus atratus
9 . Canard siffleur [Eurasian Wigeon] Anas penelope
10 . Canard chipeau [Gadwall] Anas strepera
11 . Sarcelle d'hiver [Common Teal] Anas crecca
12 . Canard colvert [Mallard] Anas platyrhynchos
13 . Canard souchet [Northern Shoveler] Anas clypeata
14 . Fuligule milouin [Common Pochard] Aythya ferina
15 . Fuligule morillon [Tufted Duck] Aythya fuligula
16 . Garrot à ?il d'or [Common Goldeneye] Bucephala clangula
17 . Harle bièvre [Goosander] Mergus merganser : x4 à Lavacourt
18 . Faucon crécerelle [Common Kestrel] Falco tinnunculus
19 . Gallinule poule-d'eau [Moorhen ] Gallinula chloropus
20 . Foulque macroule [Common Coot ] Fulica atra
21 . Vanneau huppé [Northern Lapwing] Vanellus vanellus
22 . Chevalier culblanc [Green Sandpiper] Tringa ochropus
23 . Mouette rieuse [Black-headed Gull] Larus ridibundus
24 . Goéland cendré [Common Gull] Larus canus
25 . Goéland argenté [Herring Gull] Larus argentatus
26 . Pigeon ramier [Wood Pigeon ] Columba palumbus
27 . Pipit farlouse [Meadow Pipit] Anthus pratensis
28 . Bergeronnette grise [White Wagtail] Motacilla alba
29 . Troglodyte mignon [Wren] Troglodytes troglodytes
30 . Rougegorge familier [European Robin] Erithacus rubecula
31 . Merle noir [Blackbird ] Turdus merula
32 . Grive draine [Mistle Thrush] Turdus viscivorus
33 . Mésange à longue queue [Long-tailed tit] Aegithalos caudatus
34 . Mésange bleue [Blue tit] Parus caeruleus
35 . Mésange charbonnière [Great tit] Parus major
36 . Pie bavarde [Black-billed Magpie] Pica pica
37 . Corbeau freux [Rook] Corvus frugilegus
38 . Corneille noire [Carrion Crow] Corvus corone
39 . Etourneau sansonnet [Common Starling] Sturnus vulgaris
At spring you can watch many warblers in LE PARC DE LA
COURNEUVE, close to Paris.
If you want to contact me, by phone or e-mail don't hesitate,
I could give the good destination and advice.
Didier Godreau
Clichy (92)
tel : 01 40 87 09 77 (home)
email : (home)
En réponse à Alexandra Appleman <>:
> has anyone birded Paris????
> Cheers
> Alex Appleman
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