SUNSET TRIP, 30/12/1999 - 2/1/2000.
Susan Myers referred obliquely to a bunch of people that were rudely
awoken by a Willie Wagtail at 04:30 on 01/01/2000 up in the
Murray-Sunset National Park in the far NW Victorian Mallee. It was
primarily a trip to celebrate New Year's Eve in a remote location, but
we did get the odd bit of birding in (we = Lawrie Conole, Fiona Kinsey,
Susan Myers, Stuart Dashper, Scott & Cecilia Chandry, Doug Futuyma, Alex
Kutt, Jeanette Kemp) there and along the road to and fro. Here are a
few sketchy details (as BirdInfo survey forms).
Cheers -- Lawrie
Fref: ANGELFF1 Obs: 7808 Dates: 30/12/1999 - / / Site:
Survey: A2HA Time: 20 Area: 2
Country: 36.030 Locality: Angel's Rest Flora & Fauna Reserve, NW
Habitat: Mallee C1/2:MA /14
Lat: 35 41 12 S Long: 143 1 55 E A Accuracy: 100 Altitude: LR:
Linear reserve of mallee along small track in farmland. Shrub layer
quite rich, and includes Cattlebush, Bitter Quandong, Weeping
Pittosporum, etc. //GP;
CODE--- Count Age S St Br T R Species
8470.0 4E S Pied Honeyeater
One juvenile male and one juvenile
(paler plumage, no blue skin near eye).
Berrigan (Eremophila longifolia) still
flowering in low numbers on site - most
already set fruit.
8477.0 S Singing Honeyeater
8486.0 S White-plumed Honeyeater
8286.0 S Magpie-lark
8526.0 S Noisy Miner
8299.0 S Brown Treecreeper
8253.0 S Australian Raven
8248.0 S Tree Martin
8250.0 S Welcome Swallow
8184.0 S Eastern Rosella
8404.0 S Willie Wagtail
8165.0 S Cockatiel
8238.0 S Red-backed Kingfisher
Fref: NOWINGI1 Obs: 7808 Dates: 30/12/1999 - / / Site:
Survey: A2HA Time: 20 Area: 2
Country: 36.030 Locality: Hattah-Kulkyne NP, Nowingi Track, Vic.
Habitat: C1/2:MA /
Lat: 34 40 5 S Long: 142 15 54 E A Accuracy: 500 Altitude: 60 M LR:
CODE--- Count Age S St Br T R Species
382.2 S Budgerigar
8189.0 S Mulga Parrot
8178.0 S Mallee Ringneck
8360.0 S Inland Thornbill
8363.0 S Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
8282.0 S White-browed Woodswallow
8444.0 S Grey Shrike-thrush
8439.0 S Rufous Whistler
8281.0 S Masked Woodswallow
Observed feeding on blossoms of
8496.0 S Brown-headed Honeyeater
8487.0 S Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
8531.0 S Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
8250.0 S Welcome Swallow
8248.0 S Tree Martin
Fref: PHEEWES1 Obs: 7808 Dates: 31/12/1999 - 01/01/2000 Site:
Survey: A5KM Time: 360 Area: 2500
Country: 36.030 Locality: Murray-Sunset NP, Pheeney Tk W of S Bore Tk,
Habitat: Mallee C1/2:MU /
Lat: 34 42 39 S Long: 141 1 57 E A Accuracy: 500 Altitude: LR:
CODE--- Count Age S St Br T R Species
8409.0 B S Jacky Winter
FFY, sitting on nest.
3052.0 S Nankeen Kestrel
8455.0 S Chestnut Quail-thrush
8354.0 S Shy Heathwren
8360.0 S Inland Thornbill
8496.0 S Brown-headed Honeyeater
8533.0 S Red Wattlebird
8484.0 S Purple-gaped Honeyeater
8482.0 S Grey-fronted Honeyeater
8487.0 S Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
8513.0 S White-fronted Honeyeater
8531.0 S Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
8517.0 S Striped Honeyeater
8280.0 S Grey Currawong
8274.0 S Grey Butcherbird
3499.0 S Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
8282.0 S White-browed Woodswallow
8281.0 S Masked Woodswallow
8248.0 S Tree Martin
8250.0 S Welcome Swallow
8404.0 S Willie Wagtail
8367.0 S Weebill
8547.0 S Striated Pardalote
8545.0 S Yellow-rumped Pardalote
8432.0 S Crested Bellbird
8444.0 S Grey Shrike-thrush
8439.0 S Rufous Whistler
21263.0 S Western Grey Kangaroo
8488.0 S White-eared Honeyeater
8538.0 S Silvereye
8253.0 S Australian Raven
Fref: ROCKETL1 Obs: 7808 Dates: 02/01/2000 - / / Site:
Survey: A500 Time: 60 Area: 10
Country: 36.030 Locality: Murray-Sunset NP, Rocket Lake, NW Victoria.
Habitat: Samphire C1/2:MU /15
Lat: 34 38 22 S Long: 141 49 36 E A Accuracy: 100 Altitude: 35 M LR:
Rocket Lake is large and mostly dry, with samphire (Halosarcia &/or
Sclerostegia, Sarcocornia quinqueflora) and other chenopods (Maireana,
Rhagodia, Atriplex) shrublands covering more than 90% of its surface.
On the
ringing dunes and lunette, mallee (Eucalyptus spp.) and Belah (Casuarina
pauper) woodland occur. Vehicle access would be OK by 2WD in dry
weather from North (Rocket Lake Track off Settlement Road) or East
(Pheeney's Track). //GP;
CODE--- Count Age S St Br T R Species
8432.0 S Crested Bellbird
8363.0 S Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
356.0 1 S Peregrine Falcon
8404.0 S Willie Wagtail
8209.0 B S Pallid Cuckoo
Juvenile being fed by Singing HEs.
8477.0 S Singing Honeyeater
8531.0 S Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
8418.0 S Hooded Robin
8414.0 S Red-capped Robin
8253.0 S Australian Raven
8002.0 9 B S Emu
Adult plus 8 half-grown birds.
8409.0 S Jacky Winter
8274.0 S Grey Butcherbird
8277.0 S Australian Magpie
8444.0 S Grey Shrike-thrush
8299.0 S Brown Treecreeper
8387.0 S White-fronted Chat
8282.0 S White-browed Woodswallow
8281.0 S Masked Woodswallow
8439.0 S Rufous Whistler
8547.0 S Striated Pardalote
8517.0 S Striped Honeyeater
8360.0 S Inland Thornbill
8381.0 S Southern Whiteface
8318.0 S Splendid Fairy-wren
8362.0 S Yellow-rumped Thornbill
2356.0 S Rainbow Bee-eater
3212.0 S Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo
3499.0 S Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
21263.0 S Western Grey Kangaroo
21510.0 S Rabbit
8247.0 S White-backed Swallow
8250.0 S Welcome Swallow
8542.0 S Mistletoebird
Fref: SHEARER1 Obs: 7808 Dates: 30/12/1999 - 02/01/2000 Site:
Survey: A5KM Time: 1440 Area: 2500
Country: 36.030 Locality: Murray-Sunset NP, Shearer's Quarters, NW
Habitat: Belah etc. C1/2:MU /12
Lat: 34 33 54 S Long: 141 4 10 E A Accuracy: 100 Altitude: 40 M LR:
The area directly around the Shearer's Quarters is a mixed open woodland
of Belah (Casuarina pauper), Slender Cypress-pine (Callitris preissii),
Cattlebush (Alectryon oleifolia ssp. canescens), Sugarwood (Myoporum
Leafless Ballart (Exocarpos aphylla), Silver Needlewood (Hakea
leucoptera), etc. Large areas of mallee occur on surrounding dunes,
some with Triodia hummock-grassland. Nearby on plains and Copi Rises, a
Bluebush chenopod
shrubland dominates, with occasional bands of Narrow-leaf Hopbush
(Dodonaea angustissima) and Cattlebush. South of the house, extensive
areas of various mallee communities dominate on deep sand, dunes and
swales. Shrub layers there include species such as Nealie (Acacia
rigens), Dwarf Nealie (A. wilhelmiana), Hopbush (Dodonaea sp.),
Sugarwood, Scrub Cypress-pine (Callitris verrucosa), Moonah (Melaleuca
lanceolata), Comb Grevillea (Grevileea huegelii), Berrigan (Eremophila
longifolia), Weeping Pittosporum (Pittosporum phillyreoides), saltbushes
(Atriplex and Rhagodia spp.) and bluebushes (Maireana spp.). Wire-leaf
Mistletoe (Amyema preissii) and Harlequin Mistletoe (Lysiana exocarpi)
occur commonly on Silver Needlewood and Cattlebush respectively.
CODE--- Count Age S St Br T R Species
8432.0 H Crested Bellbird
8161.0 3 S Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
8160.0 S Galah
8404.0 S Willie Wagtail
8189.0 S Mulga Parrot
8190.0 S Blue Bonnet
8299.0 S Brown Treecreeper
8282.0 S White-browed Woodswallow
8253.0 S Australian Raven
8277.0 S Australian Magpie
8275.0 S Pied Butcherbird
PC=Stuart Dashper.
8287.0 S White-winged Chough
8067.0 S Brown Falcon
8061.0 1 S Swamp Harrier
8060.0 1 S Spotted Harrier
356.0 1 S Peregrine Falcon
8071.0 1 S Black Falcon
2076.0 S Black Kite
8066.0 S Little Eagle
PC=Stuart Dashper.
3052.0 S Nankeen Kestrel
8175.0 10E S Regent Parrot
8165.0 S Cockatiel
8517.0 S Striped Honeyeater
8531.0 S Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
8477.0 S Singing Honeyeater
8487.0 S Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
8488.0 S White-eared Honeyeater
8381.0 S Southern Whiteface
8542.0 H Mistletoebird
8362.0 S Yellow-rumped Thornbill
8363.0 S Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
8360.0 S Inland Thornbill
2356.0 S Rainbow Bee-eater
8282.0 S White-browed Woodswallow
8281.0 S Masked Woodswallow
Several observed feeding from flowering
(probing flowers).
8274.0 S Grey Butcherbird
8286.0 S Magpie-lark
8459.0 S White-browed Babbler
8461.0 S Chestnut-crowned Babbler
8444.0 H Grey Shrike-thrush
8296.0 S Varied Sittella
8414.0 S Red-capped Robin
8409.0 B Jacky Winter
FFY near house. Adult sitting on nest
in mallee on Pheeney's Track.
8299.0 S Brown Treecreeper
8318.0 S Splendid Fairy-wren
8002.0 S Emu
8439.0 S Rufous Whistler
8435.0 H Gilbert's Whistler
8098.0 H Bush Stone-curlew
Heard near house on night of 30/12/1999.
PC=Alex Kutt.
8496.0 S Brown-headed Honeyeater
8547.0 S Striated Pardalote
8545.0 S Yellow-rumped Pardalote
8178.0 S Mallee Ringneck
8130.0 S Crested Pigeon
8127.0 S Common Bronzewing
8402.0 S Restless Flycatcher
3499.0 S Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
8388.0 1 S Crimson Chat
In Bluebush near the Crater.
42105.0 S Heteronotia binoei
42092.0 S Gehyra variegata
21275.0 S Red Kangaroo
21263.0 S Western Grey Kangaroo
21510.0 S Rabbit
21532.0 S Fox
42699.0 S Pseudonaja textilis
42583.0 S Trachydosaurus rugosus
21349.0 S Gould's Wattled Bat
21326.0 S Little Mastiff-bat
21324.0 H White-striped Mastiff-bat
21332.0 S ? Greater Long-eared Bat
Seen in flight in mallee on South Bore
south of house.
21480.0 I ? Mitchell's Hopping-mouse
PC=Alex Kutt. Tracks on walk near
8316.0 S White-winged Fairy-wren
A male seen; very dark blue-black.
8461.1 S Australasian(Richard's) Pipit
8211.0 H Fan-tailed Cuckoo
8250.0 S Welcome Swallow
8238.0 B S Red-backed Kingfisher
FFY x 2.
8303.0 1 S Ground Cuckoo-shrike
In Big Mallee/chenopod ground layer,
South Bore
Track, south of house.
8367.0 S Weebill
8455.0 S Chestnut Quail-thrush
8533.0 H Red Wattlebird
8418.0 S Hooded Robin
8280.0 S Grey Currawong
8227.0 H Australian Owlet-nightjar
Numerous in mallee on South Bore Track,
of 1/1/2000.
365.0 H Barn Owl
8223.1 H Southern Boobook
8128.0 S Brush Bronzewing
8354.0 S Shy Heathwren
8209.0 S Pallid Cuckoo
8074.0 S Stubble Quail
8283.0 S Black-faced Woodswallow
8248.0 S Tree Martin
3 Gezireh Street, Pascoe Vale South
Victoria 3044 AUSTRALIA. 37°44'27"S 144°56'17"E
Phone (03) 9354 2484; Mobile (0419) 588 993
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