Unfortunately no resightings of last weeks Ground Parrot yet (although the
Spotted Crakes in the same spot were unusual for the island) but something
unusual did catch our eye a couple of days ago. While heading off to
Crescent Island to complete our Little Tern survey we stopped by a light
platform adjacent to the boating channel and observed all five species of
cormorant sitting on it. Two Black-faced Cormorants had joined the other
four (usually all there). The platform is about 3m square and had a total
of about 30 birds. Of course, I didn't have my camera. Is it unusual to
find all five species of cormorant in the one place like this?
We are also without Little Terns this year with the constant presence of
ravens having seemingly moved them without even attempting to breed. From
about 60 breeding plumage adults about a month ago, down to just two on the
last visit. While the terns are having a bad time, the Pied Oystercatchers
are doing rather well with 5 active nests within a 500m radius, two of which
currently have chicks, two have eggs and the fifth we are uncertain of.
The observatory has just finished it's events calendar for the year 2000 so
anyone who would like to a run down of events and weekend courses please
send us an email and we'll send one out to you. It will be out as an insert
in the next Wingspan so BA members need not reply.
Craig Doolan
Warden, Rotamah Island Bird Observatory
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