With possibly one of the best season in some years
there has been some notable observations within the central west of NSW, near
Booberoi, the Brolgas are breeding right next to the railway line, the Painted
Honeyeaters have returned to Euabalong West in good numbers, to the extent ones
gets sick of hearing the "George. George" call, along with noisy Rufous
Songlarks and Sacred Kingfishers.
A Grey Falcon was observed near
Parkes on Tuesday (11/10/99) carrying a Jew Lizard which is the first time I've
seen them with a prey other then birds.
Due to the mouse plague
currently being experienced, there is numbers of Black-shouldered Kites; Brown
Falcons, Whistling Kites and Australian Kestrels and the odd Little Eagle in the
A large flock of Whiskered
Terns have been observed over irrigation works near Condobolin along with flocks
of Straw-necked Ibis and White Ibis, White-necked Herons and White-faced Herons
and one lone Australian Pelican perched on the earth works looking out of
Crimson Chats have started to
move into the area with birds between Euabalong West and Parkes.
Of a night Barn and Boobook Owls
have build up in numbers along with the resident Tawny Frogmouths, obviously a
response to the plague.