Sorry about the off-topic subject but there was a discussion on this not
long ago. I was wondering if anyone on birding-aus would like to help
the journalist who sent this query to "Gumnuts" (Australian Plants)
mailing list:
> Richard Conrad writes......
> "I'm a journalist for The Melbourne Weekly. One story I've been planning to
> write for a while is about parks and public land in Melbourne. One aspect
> of that is whether the traditional use of exotics - particularly the Elm -
> in urban environments should be replaced with local natives. It's an
> argument about traditional aesthetics etc versus recreating natural
> ecosystems etc.
> The introduced Elm tree is under attack here from the Elm Leaf Beetle,
> which is being treated by councils by drenching soil with a systemic
> insecticide called Imidocloprin. Councils and the Friends of The Elms group
> are encouraging everyone to do this. There's even an ELM Awareness Day
> planned for September 23.
> I thought, perhaps, there may be another perspective on this matter among
> Australian plant enthusiasts, but I have no knowledge of whether Elms are
> considered to have any natural value (as habitat or whatever) or their
> assumed place in the current natural scheme of things. I was wondering if
> you would mind posting this message to see if there is anyone on your
> subscriber list - or anyone else you think may be appropriate to contact -
> (preferably in Melbourne) with a quotable opinion on Elms, their current
> place in the Australian environment, the use of (this) insecticide and any
> related issues."
Atriplex Services (Pronounced A-tree-plex)
Environmental Consultants, Landscaping Contractors,
Native Australian Plant Nursery, Educators.
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