> Gruff Dodd's summary of responses to his questions on some "lost" taxa
> prompted my own: what is the taxonomy and distribution of Pacific Masked
> Boobies (Sula dactylatra)? My understanding is as follows (briefly):
> S.d.personata breeds tropical western and central pacific islands
> S.d.californica breeds eastern tropical and southeastern pacific islands
> (not including new species Nazca Booby S.granti)
> S.d. fullagari breeds Lord Howe, Norfolk, Kermadecs.
> What about S. tasmani per Gruff Dodd? Was this apparently now extinct
> a full species replaced by fullagari relatively recently on Lord Howe and
> Norfolk? Or was the epithet tasmani superseded by fullagari? HANZAB does
> not mention tasmani, but refers to a paper by O'Brien and Davies (1990:
> Marine Ornithology 14:1-7) to which have no access.
> Would appreciate enlightenment!
> Ross
> Ross Silcock
> Tabor, IA
> New Zealand Land and Pelagic Trips. Next: Nov 1999
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