Thank you Kim, I have made a few responses to your note below.
At 05:54 18/08/99 +1000, you wrote:
>Tony Russell has the right to his views, expressed how he pleases, and with
>all the vigor he likes. Nothing in Scott O'Keefe's comparatively low-key
>and to my mind pretty sensible reponse denied him that, for all his bluster
********* Bluster? I had to check my Webster for this one. It said " a
violent blast of wind; a gust; noisy talk; ( well, maybe), swaggering; (
no, not me), boisterousness; ( not at my age). -- I think I'll take the
noisy talk one, that's probably the nearest.
>about it tending "to deny people the right to say anything which isn't
>academically verifiable, well researched and well documented." But his
>final crack about how he is "an
>environmentalist by choice, not by pretence." is too cheap and nasty a
>sneer to go by without comment.
************* A sneer? Hm, I hadn't seen it that way. It was intended as a
humble comment about myself, perhaps even self criticism.
I for one do not see how anyone who is
>genuinely committed to effective action to alleviate Australia's very real
>environmental problems would expect sneering at their natural allies to be
>an effective way of building community pressure. Everyone who is on this
>list and who is thereby interested in nature and the environment is way,
>way above the Australian average for interest in these issues. So if we are
>going to pour shit on one another, what chances are there of reaching those
>who are not already half-converted? So I do not believe you,
(******** well, you please yourself)
in your
>claim to be a genuine environmentalist by choice - you just want to sound
>off and feel smug.
************ Genuine? I didn't use this word, you've put it in.
Smug? I don't feel at all smug. Angry maybe, but not smug.You
seriously misread me here. What is there to be smug about?
If you really cared, you'd be trying to build bridges to
>people like Scott, not write in ways that are bound to piss them off.
************** Yes, yes, yes, quite correct. I was too snappy by far.
I am indeed justifiably chastened. Sorry Scott.
Tony Russell,
Adelaide, South Australia
Ph: 08 8337 5959
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