For those who read my recent posting (Birding In the Hawkesbury area -
15/8/99), I mentioned that the Painted Button quails that I saw at Mitchell
Park near Cattai, made a call similar to that of a Pheasant Coucal (a series of
oop-oop-oop...) but much softer and not to a downward scale as given by a
Coucal. This call was unlike their typical "ooom" (similar to a Brush
Bronzewing) as recorded on the BOC tape series. I have heard the Painted
Button-quails make this call on a few occassions at Mitchell Park (and roughly
in the same area as those seen last Sunday) and at Howes Valley. I wonder if
anybody else has heard these Button-quails make this call before.
P.S. Does anybody know if Volume 12 of the BOC tape series yet
available ?