Victor Yue wrote:
> [Re-sending ... the email bounced twice. Hope I am not sendng multiple copes.
> (^^)]
> Hi folks,
> I hope you don't mind me asking this non-birding question here. I was in
> Cairns
> recently, and in one of the nature tour, I was shown the Gympie-Gympie
> (Stinging
> Tree). I am not sure if this is in abundance and if any fellow birder has got
> in
> touch with it. (^^) I understand that once it come into contact with the skin,
> the person would feel the pain, for months. Not sure if this would affect the
> bird that accidentally lands on it. (^^)
> My question is: Where can I get more information on this? I was told that a
> particular caterpillar feeds on the leaves of the Gympie-Gympie. I am also
> trying to follow this trail.
I suspect there is more than one species of giant stinging tree [alias
gympie]. The ones in southern qld can give you a decent sting, but the
effect only lasts for a couple of hours [he says having been stung many
times while bushwalking] I did read something somewhere on the subject
of gympie stings - something to do with the spines/hairs being left in
the skin. Whatever, a good gympie sting will certain lead to a reaction
in the lymph nodes.
regards, Laurie.
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