Like Frank O'Connor, last August I planned to look for the Grey Honeyeater
at Yalgoo and Yallan. Crossing the Nullabor we camped at Newman Rocks. Walking
through the bush there I heard what I thought was the call of the Grey
Honeyeater, but saw no bird. So I walked (say) 800m back to camp and played a
tape of the call just to check it.
Almost immediately it was answered by a similar call from a tallish
eucalypt about 50 m away. So my wife and I got our binoculars and fieldguide and
went over to the tree. We looked hard at the bird, which we could clearly see,
played the tape, compared the answering call and consulted our guide book. There
seemed to be no discrepancies.
But something seemed wrong. It was the wrong habitat, it was too far south
and too easy. Anyway the bird is not on my list and next August we will search
for it again at Kunoth Well.
Reg Oakley