Bird List - Cocaparra National Park 7-9 May 1999
(Griffith NSW, S34 17, E146 02)
Observations of Colin and Yvonne Field
Babbler, white-browed
Bronzewing, common
Butcherbird, grey
Butcherbird, pied
Chough, white-winged
Dove, peaceful
Eagle, Wedge-tailed
Fantail, grey
Flycatcher, restless
Friarbird, Noisy
Honeyeater, spiny-cheeked
Honeyeater, striped
Honeyeater, white-naped
Pardalote, striated
Parrott, mulga
Pigeon, crested
Ringneck, Mallee
Robin, red-capped
Robin, yellow
Shrike-thrush, grey
Thornbill, yellow
Thornbill, yellow-rumped
Wagtail, willie
Wattlebird, red
Whistler, golden
First identifications for us at this location:
striped honeyeater
yellow thornbill
Colin Field
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