The folowing are the birding highlights of a
little three day jaunt west and then south west from the northern Qld town of
Townsville [the gateway to the wet tropics]. Our journey took us west to
Hughendon and the south west to Winton. From Winton we travelled a three hundred
kilometre loop south through the small mining 'town' of Opalton, further south -
passing the tropic of capricorn - before turning west at Mayneside gate and
returing north along the Jundah road via Lark's quarry [the famous site of a one
time Dinosaur stampede] to Winton. Three keen birdwatchers [myself, Jo Wieneke
and the erudite David James] and one extremely keen bird, mammal, reptile, frog,
plant, rock, manure watcher, Alex Anderson.
The following list, in no particular order, are
some of the highlights that we recorded;
Little Eagle
Black-breasted Buzzard 5
Black Falcon 1
Flock Bronzewing
Spinifex Pigeon
Diamond Dove
Ringneck Parrots -intermediate -to some degree between
Cloncurry and Mallee [described previously in David Jame's
Crimson Chat 1000's
Black Honeyeaters one large flock
Pied Honeyeater several
White-fronted honeyeater
Striped Honeyeater
Grey-headed Honeyeater
Singing Honeyeater
Spotted Bowerbird
Rufous-crowned Emuwren
Striated Grasswren
Chestnut-breated Quail-thrush
Hall's Babbler
Crested Bellbird
Painted Finch
Spotless Crake
Baillon's Crake
Pink eared duck
Spotted Nightjar
Owlet Nightjar
Red-capped robin
Inland Thornbill
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
Hooded Robin
On previous trips we have recorded Redthroat and Splendid
Wren and Painted Honeyeater which this trip we dipped
Also of interest
Perentie 1
Anybody who would like further details on any of
the above sitings and/or who would like to visit this area of north west Qld
please feel free to drop me a line.
Ken Cross