Just a few observations about birds and habitat, I have a large native garden on
what was formerly dry grassland. Over twenty three years the bird list has grown
to ninety five native species recorded, with several species breeding. Exotics
also thrive, Blackbirds, Mynahs, and Sparrows increase year by year if I don't
get round to destroying their nests.
My local river bank on the edge of town is lined with forest red gums, with an
understory of every exotic shrub imaginable, honeysuckle creeper, blackberries
etc. It is also home to breeding populations of Brown Gerygone, Scrub Wren,
Yellow Robin, Rufous Fantail, Silvereye, etc. etc. not withstanding
cats, human disturbance, and so on.
I am all for eliminating exotic vegetation and replanting with indigenous
species wherever possible, but where this does not happen, lots of birds are
adaptable enough to utilise what is available quite successfully. Make of it
what you will,