John Leonard wrote:
> I know that up in SW Qld around places like Windorah, Quilpie, Euro Bore &c
> the Quail-thrush is the Chestnut-breasted, but is this the QT further south,
> as for example in Sturt NP, around Olive Downs Camp-site, or on that trail
> near Tibooburra, or is it the Cinnamon?
> John Leonard
Hi John and others
The Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush in NSW occurs east to the Warrego River and
Gunderbooka Range; west to beyond upper Paroo Riuver and Koonenberry Mountain;
south to Peri lake and beyond Cobar,. including 60 km NW of Louth.
The Cinnamon Quail-thrush occurs in far north west NSW, east to the Bulloo River
Overflow, south to Silverton. It is the species that occurs in Sturt NP!.
I can mail you some recent NPWS Wildlife Atlas and NSW Bird Atlasser maps if you
are interested.
Alan Morris
NSWFOC Records Officer
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