Hi all -
A message to anybody in or close to Victoria who likes to visit wetlands
(and maybe do some atlassing) -
The Victorian Dept of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE) is holding its
annual Summer Waterfowl Count between 27 February and 7 March this year.
One purpose of the count is to identify, immediately prior to the opening
of the duck hunting season, those wetlands which hold numbers of threatened
species such as Freckled Ducks, so that they may be closed to hunting.
Anyone who is willing to go out through the count period and count
waterfowl at designated wetlands is encouraged to participate.
A bonus for us would be for counters to also fill in Atlas forms and send
them in to the Atlas project here. In case any current or potential
atlassers did not know, you can write down the actual numbers of birds seen
at any wetlands (not just those in Victoria or during the count period) to
the right of the species name on the form. This information will be
entered on the database and be made available to government departments and
other bodies investigating the natural values of Australian wetlands, and
is a. very valuable component of the Atlas project.
Regional contacts for counters are as follows:
NE - Joy Sloan - Tel: 03 6055 6127.
NW - Murray Rohde - Tel: 03 5033 1290.
Gippsland - Charles Franken - Tel: 03 5152 0400.
SW - Bill Allen - Tel: 03 5233 5533.
Port Phillip - Richard Boekel - Tel: 03 5226 4576.
Atlassing enquiries to the contact numbers below, or email:
Hugo Phillipps,
Birds Australia Conservation & Liaison,
Australian Bird Research Centre,
415 Riversdale Road,
Hawthorn East, VIC 3123, Australia.
Tel: (03) 9882 2622. Fax: (03) 9882 2677.
O/s: +61 3 9882 2622. Fax: +61 3 9882 2677.
Email: <>
Web Homepage: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~birdsaus/