To All
The Little Bittern was still calling
this morning at the same pond a few days ago but was not seen. However the
Baillons crake chick that John saw on Saturday was seen ( a
really tiny black thing with orange beak). There were upto 10 adults and very
easy to see. Also there was still atleast 2 Australian Spotted
and 2 Spotless Crakes about (the later only heard
calling but frequently). Also of note was a Black-headed x
Chestnut-breasted Mannakin seen a couple of metres in front of us in
the reeds with other Chestnut-breasted Mannakins (It had a black hood but
underpart markings like that of the Chestnut-breasted).
One bird that really got our attention was a Sandpiper about
the size of a Snipe, but the same colour as a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. It flew
above our heads and I only could just see it had a wholly white rump, pale
underwings and a long thin bill but that Is all I could see. I am familiar with
the usual sandpipers that turn up around Sydney but I can not think what it
could be. I tried to follow where it landed through my binoculars and it did so
briefly on a post but then took off again over a hill. Anyone heading out to the
Sewrage works ought to keep an eye out on this one. A mystery bird
indeed !
-----Original Message----- From:
<> Date:
Saturday, January 23, 1999 7:46 Subject: LITTLE BITTERN AT
To All
Myself, Colin Scouler and John DeHeume found an Immature
Little Bittern at one of the small ponds at McGraths
Hill Sewrage Treatment Works. It is the small pond second from the 4 or 5 duck
ponds at the southern end of McGraths Hill. 7 Baillons
and 5 Australian Crakes are also showing
very well in the ponds closest to the dog pound.
At Pitt Town Lagoon, a few waders were seen with 3
Wood Sandpipers, a Greenshank
and 10 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers. There were
also atleast 100 Pink-eared Ducks seen here and 60 plus
Royal Spoonbill.