Thanks for your information which would be rightly appreciated by birdos
going to Singapore but I'm going to throw in an opinion that some may
strongly disagree with. If I was interested to see a Masked Finfoot, I would
want to see it in whatever part of the world it normally lives, assuming
that such an achievement is possible. If I had the dollars and the
obsession, then I believe a trip to its usual range would be a better way of
appreciating the bird. If I go to Singapore I am interested in what normally
lives there, although extras would be a bonus. Things in their own habitat
is part of what ecology is about. It is odd that someone would want to go a
long way to see something in a place it doesn't normally live rather than go
a long way to see it where it normally does live. That hardly contributes
useful knowledge to anyone.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Tarrant <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, 14 January 1999 20:58
Subject: Masked Finfoot in Singapore
>G'day All,
>Just found this message on UKbirdnet.....I think there may be plenty of
>interest, but it's a long way from Brisbane!
>Tom Tarrant
> [UKBN] Twitchable Masked Finfoot in Singapore !
> Date:
> Wed, 13 Jan 1999 19:02:02 GMT
> From:
> "J. Bond" <>
> To:
>Dear All
>In these days of global twitching it may be of interest to know that
>yesterday a Masked Finfoot was found at Sungei Buloh, Singapore, and was
>still present this morning - being twitched by the 'locals'.
>I would guess the Finfoot is likely to attempt to 'Winter' at this site
>may be worth trying for if anyone has a few hours stopover (or longer)
>Changi Airport in the next few weeks.
>It apparently constitutes the 'first' record for Singapore (although I
>not checked this out).
>Best wishes
>David Cooper
>Sussex, UK.
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