The Yellow Wagtail, a Victorian first, discovered at the Western Treatment
Plant at Werribee on Monday is still there. Three of us saw it last night.
Until Bob Swindley rediscovered it late yesterday morning, it had not been
seen since Monday.
It was on the eastern side of Lake Borrie (about half to two-thirds down
the road towards the trees), resting on the rocks that line the lagoon. It
seems that the bird likes this area during a southerly wind, the prevailing
wind on Monday and Thursday. It was not located by quite a number of
birders on Wednesday. The wind was from the north on that day.
When flushed, the bird tends to fly towards the Little River and disappears
near the Moonahs. We could not relocate it there. I understand some
birders on Monday did see it on the road on both sides of the Little River.
Don't forget you need a permit from Melbourne Water to get into the WTP and
must provide advance notice of visits. The MW staff at the WTP are very
friendly and are aware that they have another rare bird that people will
want to see. So, please contact the office.