Jenny Bradford wrote:
> Help!
> Has anybody got the ultimate solution to stop peewees attacking their
> reflections in windows?
> We have a pair who have just started this week, despite our having
> only last
> weekend stuck up a Birds Australia anti-crash hawk in the same
> windows.
> They spend about 5 minutes every half hour, throwing themselves at the
> window with such vigour, I am afraid they might injure themselves.
> Jenny Bradford, Pomona, Qld
> Jenny B's Flower & Crystal Essences
Down here in Victoria we call them Mudlarks and, yes, they still attack
their reflections.. You could try a coat of some washoff paint on window
- but then you couldnt see out. Or make a screen or curtain of
shadecloth- gives some visibility but they might
shift their attention
to another window. As a rule they seem to survive these attacks. most
fatalities seem to arise from bird trying to fly through window being
misled by reflection of sky or window. Best of luck.
Anthea Fleming in Melbourne