Trevor Quested wrote:
> Powerful Owl. As this bird is so big and perches in the tops of trees it is
> possible to see it. Sometimes.
My first (and so far, only) glimpse of a Powerful Owl was at head height.
I was following a Superb Lyrebird off the Red Hill track at Tidbinbilla
Nature Reserve outside of Canberra, which headed into a thicket of
near the creek. When I entered the thicket, I stood for a minute or so
looking down towards the creek to see where the Lyrebird had gone. The
Powerful Owl (though I didn't know it then) flew past me into my line of
sight and out of the thicket. Turning around to where it had been, I saw
the remains of its last meal (a possum or glider) slung over a branch
of the Blanketbush at head height (6 feet) only a couple of metres away!
I guess that the reason I had gotten so close was because I didn't see it,
or it was fast asleep.
I heard it calling several times from it's new perch (probably abusing me)
but I couldn't relocate it that afternoon or on subsequent trips to the
same location.
Paul Taylor Veni, vidi, tici -
I came, I saw, I ticked.