I have started reading a North American
book called "Watching Birds. An introduction to Ornithology" by Roger
F. Pasquier. In chapter two, "How and Why Birds are Studied", I
"To our knowledge, Aristotle (384-322 BC) was the first person to
look at birds scientifically, describing what he considered to be 170 varieties
and discussing their physiology, reproduction, and ecology. Aristotle was the
first to make systematic classification of birds based on observation and
dissection, he divided birds into eight groups."
I thought I should check my 1986 Greek list and found I
had seen only 135 species in 10 days using Zeiss binoculars, a field guide and
an Ornitholidays booklet on where to see birds in Greece by Michael
Sheppard. I wonder how far he travelled, where and what the list of birds
he described and what were the eight groups?
Trevor & Annie
Quested Sydney, Australia
+61 2 9955 6266 Fax + 61 2 9959 4005