Hi all
1) Lesson in backing-up. My computer crashed so, if I was corresponding
with you privately, please remind me of your e-mail address.
2) Another consequence: I've lost my copies of mail I sent to people in
relation to the two previous enquiries in the last year about Barn Owl
nest boxes. One bit of advice was to use a search engine (e.g.
Altavista) because, for instance, there is a design for a box on an
American web site and the Barn Owl Trust (in England) also provides
Perhaps the previous enquirers would like to summarise the responses
they had on this mailing list. I thought it was usual practice for
people who benefit from this sort of channel to have the courtesy to
make such summaries available.
OK I know I haven't posted anything to summarise what I've learnt about
female-female nesting pairs of birds - but that's because I'm still
pulling the information together.
Michael Norris
Hampton, Vic.