Nigel Sterpin wrote:
> I was at Westerfolds Park (Templestowe) this morning and the amount of
> Lorikeets concerns me. I checked my Gould Leauge Urban Birds Volume
> and
> noticed that Rainbow Lorikeets were 'accidental' circa 1960's. On a
> personal observation level, they were nowhere near as common 10 years
> ago.
> Any suggestions for the sharp increase?
> PS: Also saw a pair of King Parrots mating and saw a Corella (which I
> thought were rare), although I couldn't identify whether it was Little
> or
> Long-Billed, only heard its call and saw it in the distance.
> email:
I too am concerned at Rainbow lorikeet increase. I fear they may be
adding to the pressure on RedRumped Parrots, in the struggle for
nestholes. Apparently they used to be fairly common in Melbourne area,
c.1900. (Campbell's "Nests and Eggs" is useful source for distribution
then) But in those days they and other lorikeets were subject to human
predation if they attacked a fruit tree - small boys were sent out with
air-guns and catapults to get them for a parrot pie! There always used
to be a few near the Zoo (escapee population) and a very few elsewhere,
eg Blackburn. Recent influx probably dates from the great resurgence in
native plant and tree plantings in suburbs - I think we had influxes in
drought years from Gippsland and they stayed - compare Flying Foxes.
Incidentally when I was a kid (1950s) the ONLY free flying
Sulphur-crested Cockatoos or Galahs we ever saw in the suburbs usually
said "Hello" when approached. Their increase as city birds is quite
recent - likewise White Ibis.
Both Long-billed and Little Corellas likewise have been expanding
into central Victoria in last 10 years - I have often seen them at
Banyule Flats and occasionally they come down Darebin Creek. For a
while there was a group in the Plenty Valley near Kurrak and Gorge
Roads, and I think they expanded down to the Yarra.
Anthea Fleming