Sorry if my reply (?among others) annoyed you David. I think the reason for
your statement ("people do not read their e-mail") is not that they do not
read it, but that most have a different concept than you of "combined". To
me and most, a combined list would mean not each other's totals added
(which of course would contain the vast majority duplicates) but a list of
all species which EITHER one of the couple had seen. Thus a species would
not be counted twice. In your apparent definition below, many species have
been counted twice.
This not being a normal method of setting records, I strongly doubt you
would get any info as to whether your friends have an OZ record...
Colin T. Richardson
80 Mingelo St, TOTTENHAM NSW 2873, Australia
> From: David Siems <>
> To:
> Subject: Bird List
> Date: Saturday, 5 September 1998 8:12 am
> Hi Netters,
> It is obvious from replies that people do not read their
> so I will make things a little easier.
> My friend has seen 6,060 birds and his wife 4,500 for a
> COMBINED, yes added to-gether, world list of over 10,500. Is this a
> for husband and wife team in OZ please?
> All the Best
> David Siems
> Sydney, Australia
> Phone: +61 (0)2 9759 1891
> Email: