Neville Pamment wrote:
> I will be off to Lord Howe for a week's relaxation and birding from
> September 27th - October 3rd (a nice place to put in an absentee vote from).
> Can anyone provide advice on how to get on a trip to Ball's Pyramid? I hear
> it is difficult to arrange. Does anyone on the island currently act as a
> bird guide, and is a guide necessary to see all the seabirds?
> Thanks in advance for any assistance.
> Neville
Hi Neville,
You don't need anyone to show you the birds on Lord Howe Island. All you
need is Ian Hutton's excellent little book "Birds of Lord Howe Island -
Past and Present". In it Ian gives you all the info you'll ever need,
Season by season descriptions of bird activity
Breeding times and locations of colonies.
When I was there in November 96 he was spot-on. From the graph on page23
of the book you can expect to see:
Masked Booby (with chicks)
Grey Ternlet (with chicks)
Sooty Tern (nesting)
Providence Petrel (with chicks)
Little Shearwater (with chicks)
You can expect to have home visits by the Lord Howe Golden Whistler and
the Woodhen!
The difficulty in getting to Ball's Pyramid is the weather! Since the
selling of the "capella" smaller boats cannot handle the rough seas
which are common.It's a 25 km trip so you need a fairly fast boat.
Landings are only attempted for scientific purposes.
For information and bookings you should contact:
Wilson's Hire Service
Lagoon Road LHI
Ph (065) 63 2045
Fax (065) 632151
Have a great time,
Les Thyer