At 09:33 AM 8/27/1998 +1000, you wrote:
>In Canberra city, over the past 3-4 weeks, a pair of galahs have
>systematically and very comprehensively ringbarked a mature Argyle Apple
>(Eucalyptus cinerea). This a not a local species, though widely planted. It
>has thick fibrous 'stringy-bark'. The pair are nesting in the tree, and have
>done the customary minor 'bark-marking' around their hollow spout. The
>ringbarking is a metre or two below that, and quite separate from it. They
>have removed all the bark down to the wood, right around the tree, some 2.5
>to 3 metres from the ground. At one point there is over a metre of bare
>wood; where they completed the job the break is only a few centimetres.
>Any thoughts?!
Ian, have they signed there initials into the tree? Maybe they have learnt
to smooth the trunk to deter marauding boys rather than goannas?
Shane Raidal