Those of you desperate enough to be following the infamous LensPen story
(rather than getting on with your birding) might be entertained to see some
of the responses I received to my soul-searching concerns about my integrity
having been compromised. I have made a mid-year resolution to be less
concerned about integrity - especially where LARGE gifts might be concerned
(hint, hint to anyone out there wishing to send me a large gift).
Richard (he who accepts, and keeps, gifts) Nowotny
(PS Enough of this tomfoolery.)
**I feel that you are almost (!) totally compromised. Your ONLY hope of
salvation is to send
ALL the free samples (AND any future ones) to me.
If you do this, then you can continue to extoll the virtues of anything you
like, with my blessing. (How about trying it for those little red-spot binos?)
**I'm sure if you were to pass them on to your birding-aus colleagues,
your integrity would remain unblemished. ;) Maybe you should try praising
binoculars, spotting scopes, 4WD vehicles etc. and see what happens?
**Of course you are compromised! And when you are sent a few more boxfulls,
I'd like to be compromised too.
From: Dr Richard Nowotny
Melbourne, Australia
Tel. (w) 61-3-9214.1420