Some of you may recall a small item I posted to the list quite some time ago
lauding the LensPen as a very useful, effective and convenient lens cleaning
device. My support was genuine, temperate and quite unrelated to any other
interest in the product.
To my surprise, the President of the marketing firm in Portland, Oregon,
USA, who must have been scanning the electronic airwaves for references to
his products, emailed me, expressing thanks for my endorsement of this
particular product. However, his thanks were not only some kind words but
extended to a quite unsolicited mailing of 2 "cut-down" LensPens (consisting
of just the special cleaning tip and compound in a barrel about 4cm in
length - ie no brush, with its considerable extra length) and a newly
released miniPro LensPen for very small lenses. All three are very
gratefully accepted and will be put to good use over the coming years (my
original is still going strong).
However, am I now compromised? Can I ever again extoll the virtues of what
I actually consider to be a very good little gizmo for birders? If I say
more good things about it can I hope for a truckload of the little devils?
Anyway, quite an interesting little tale of innocence lost and extra
LensPens found, eh?
From: Dr Richard Nowotny
Melbourne, Australia
Tel. (w) 61-3-9214.1420