To all
I and a friend are planning a trip to Western NSW and VIC for November
1998. We may be also venturing into eastern SA and south-western QLD.
Although, I have seen some of the western species before, I have not yet
ventured far enough to see many species (including the Emu) . We plan to go
to such places as Round Hill, Mungo NP, Macquarie Marshes, Mootwingee etc. I
would be very grateful if anyone could share some information for the best
places to visit and to see the following species as below:
1 Emu
2 Blue-billed Duck
3 Black-breasted Kite
4 Letter-winged Kite
5 Grey Falcon
6 Malleefowl
7 Inland Dotterel
8 Banded Stilt
9 Flock Pigeon
10 Pink Cockatoo
11 Regent Parrot
12 Mulga Parrot
13 Elegant Parrot
14 Blue-winged Parrot
15 Scarlet-chested Parrot
16 Bourke's Parrot
17 Black-eared Cuckoo
18 Fork-tailed Swift
19 Gilbert's Whistler
20 Red-lored Whistler
21 Crested Bellbird
22 Chirruping Wedgebill
23 Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush
24 Cinnamon Quail-thrush
25 Chestnut Quail-thrush
26 Chestnut-crowned Babbler
27 Hall's Babbler
28 Mallee Emu-wren
29 Splendid Wren
30 White-winged Wren
31 Thick-billed Grasswren
32 Grey Grasswren
33 Striated Grasswren
34 Redthroat
35 Shy Heathwren
36 Rufous Fieldwren
37 Banded Whiteface
38 White-browed Treecreeper
39 Purple-gaped Honeyeater
40 Grey-fronted Honeyeater
41 Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
42 White-fronted Honeyeater
43 Pied Honeyeater
44 Gibber Chat
45 Orange Chat
46 Crimson Chat
47 Red-browed Pardalote
48 Little Woodswallow
49 Spotted Bowerbird
50 Little Crow
This list includes all the species that I have not seen and that have been
recorded in western NSW and VIC. This also includes species that I will have
little chance to see such as Flock Pigeons, Scarlet -chested Parrots etc.