Some news in the form of a forwarded mail note from the team at SOSSA
relating to exceptional seabirds from Wollongong area over the week end
Still many Prions about, I must have personally checked many hundreds.
Try as I might, I could not find anything but Fairy prions, though I
must have observed almost every possible extreme in the total Fairy
prion population present.
What interestd me more, which population am I looking at? I suspect
that these birds are from the N.Z. population. The recent inshore
sightings of Slender-billed Prion casts some doubt on the origins of
the erruption.
Caught and banded 3 Black-browed albatrosses, two of which were juv
Campbell Island albatrosses. These were identified in the field before
capture and confirmed in the hand on capture.
Also captured very unusual Black-brow.
A Grey-headed alby was also captured and banded bird of the year. A
second year Northern Giant Petrel Captured and banded, a possible
Tristan Albatross, Captured aboard the Sandra K.,another D.dabbenbeena
captured inshore by Harry Battam earlier in the day. Also managed to
capture, Shy albatross and two Brown Skua's.
Procellaria Petrel in the distance, on JiZZ possible Westland Petrel
though not identified. Lots more
Give us a call if you want more info !!.
Lindsay :-))
PS: All on video tape as well !!!
SOSSA "Wildlife Research" H.Q - Wollongong
Southern Oceans Seabird Study Association Inc
Lindsay E. Smith & Janice G. Jenkin-Smith
Janice G. Jenkin.JP.,CMC. Civil Marriage Celebrant
P.O. Box 142, Unanderra NSW Australia 2526