The weather tomorrow is a strong wind warning (20-30 knots) with a gale
warning in the afternoon (30-40 knots) with 3m seas and 4m swell. So we
wimped out ...
So third time lucky (the boat broke down last time!). I have organised a
rescheduled trip from Perth for Sunday June 28th departing at 7am. There
are still a few places left.
I will be organising another trip for Sunday August 9th.
I have also organised a trip for Sunday September 20th which is the day
before the Birds Australia national campout at Greenough near Geraldton.
Although there has already been good interest, in the unlikely event that
there are more than 40 people interested, then I would run a second trip for
Saturday 19th.
The trip leaves at 7am from near Underwater World at Hillarys Boat Harbour
and returns at about 4pm. There is a limit of 23 people. Booking is
essential. The cost is expected to be $60 (more if fewer than 22 book).
Book by email or by phoning me on 08 9386 5694.
I will be travelling to Dunsborough (3 hours south of Perth near Cape
Naturaliste) tomorrow. Ross Payton has a house overlooking the water and
today reported Great-winged, Soft-plumaged, BLUE and White-chinned Petrels
plus albatross, etc. So maybe something good will come of the weather ...
Frank O'Connor Argyle Diamonds
8C Hardy Road PMB 11
Nedlands WA 6009 West Perth WA 6872
Phone +61 8 9386 5694 +61 8 9167 1445
Fax +61 8 9167 1438
Birding WA