My apologies if you have already received a copy of this notice:
We are pleased to announce that the second Southern Hemisphere
Ornithological Congress (SHOC) will be held in the week of June 27, 2000 at
Griffith University in Brisbane. The General Organising Committee consists
of local Brisbane representatives David Rounsevell and Carla Catterall and
Birds Australia Research Commmittee members- Richard Loyn, Mike Clarke,
Stephen Ambrose & Lee Astheimer. The conference will contain a mix of
plenary speakers, thematic symposia, contributed papers and poster
sessions. Registration prices and other measures will encourage strong
participation by post-graduate students. You will receive notification of
the address for the conference web site later this
winter through the bard server and/or the Birds Australia's Research List.
SHOC 2000 will also be announced at the International Ornithological
Congress in Durban, SA in August. As this information becomes available to
you, please make
efforts to inform your international colleagues working in the southern
hemisphere about this meeting--as we will certainly be doing as well.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite early suggestions for
symposia. Please note that a symposium suggestion should be accompanied by
the necessary willingness and expertise to chair (or co-chair) the session.
Symposia chairpersons will be asked to invite speakers, inform them of
symposia guidelines, receive and edit their abstracts and chair the
session. Please send early expressions of interest to Dr. L.Astheimer
before May 25th for consideration at our next
planning meeting. There will be a second, more general call for suggestions
for symposia topics later this year.
We'll look forward to hearing from you.
The Organising Committee
SHOC 2000
Birds Australia
Dr Stephen Ambrose
Research Manager
Birds Australia (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union)
Australian Bird Research Centre
415 Riversdale Road,
Hawthorn East,
VIC 3123.
Tel: +61 3 9882 2622
Fax: +61 3 9882 2677
1997 Australian Bird Research Directory is on Birds Australia's
home page: <>.