At 06:47 12/05/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi. Does anyone have any current information on introduced Nutmeg
>Mannikins (Lonchura punctulata), especially breeding biology info?
>These birds, along with Orange Bishops (Euplectes franciscanus), are
>making headway in southern California, and I'm studying their habitat
>use and breeding success here. Any information you might have regarding
>breeding of Nutmegs or their possible competition with Chestnut-
>breasted Mannikins would be much appreciated.
> Thanks, Scott Smithson
Dear Scott,
I've no info on breeding biology. There was concern that the Nutmeg would
displace small native seedeaters but in south-east Queesnland, at least,
there is no indication of that. The results of surveys in the 1970-80's
indicate that the Nutmeg, and the introduced European Goldfinch
were among the rarest small seedeaters and I don't think that the
situation has changed much since then. The House Sparrow is another matter
Woodall, PF 1987. Sparrows and finches (Fam. Fringillidae, Passeridae &
Ploceidae) in the Brisbane region, 1972-83: relative numbers, distribution
and species interaction. Sunbird 17(3): 37-51.
Dr Peter Woodall email =
Division of Vet Pathology & Anatomy
School of Veterinary Science Phone = +61 7 3365 2300
The University of Queensland Fax = +61 7 3365 1355
Brisbane, Qld, Australia 4072 WWW =
"hamba phezulu" (= "go higher" in isiZulu)