The Cattle Egret at Geranium, SA was certainly out of its expected
distribution. However, having said that, it is not unusual for Cattle
Egrets to be recorded well inland - breeding at inland heronries along the
Murray and the Macquarie Marshes for example.
The date is interesting as well. This is quite early for this far
south-west. The location and date may well relate to the dry conditions
throughout both the breeding range of northern NSW/southern Qld and the
more usual breeding range of coastal NSW, Victoria and Tasmania. It would
not suprise me if Cattle Egrets were not to be recorded in large numbers in
New Zealand this winter as a consequence.
Cattle Egrets wing-tagged at breeding colonies from Newcastle, NSW north to
Bundaberg, Qld were routinely sighted each winter throughout their normal
wintering range with one bird as far west as Streaky Bay, SA.
David Geering
(formerly Project Officer Waterbird Studies
Shortland Wetlands Centre
Newcastle. NSW)