Dear list members:
I have an unusal request. As bird-watchers, most of us are interested in
keeping lists of the birds we have seen - e.g. lifelists, country,
regional lists, etc. A good many observers also keep notes on other
aspects of the birds that they see - as is evident from the resonses on
this list. Personally, I enjoy watching behaviour and along this line I
would be interested in learning what other bird-watchers consider to be
"must see behaviours" or unsual behaviour for any Australian species.
For example, "foot tapping" is an interesting behaviour; mound building in
Brush-turkeys; carrying grass-stems during courtship by some finches, and
"tumbling" by Blue-bonnet parrots to mention a few. Feel free to list as
many behaviours as you wish.
If you care to response, please response privately so as not to clutter-up
the Birding-Aus list. I will gladly compile the list of responses and
e-mail a copy to any interested person on the list (or to the list if
requested by Peter).
Please include (if known): species name, sex of bird, date, place and
context in which the behaviour was observed.
Cheers, Jim
Dr. Wm. James Davis