Thanks to all the people who replied to my message about no Gouldians at
Georgetown, particularly Frank O'Connor who gave me heart that I might see
them during the dry season. As I am going to Lawn Hill NP in June/July (via
Mt. Isa) there is still hope. Could anyone give me information on other
sites for the Gouldians further west of Georgetown and also where I might
see Dusky Grasswrens on this trip which will be out through Hughenden,
Cloncurry and Mt. Isa to Lawn Hill and then back via Normanton, Croydon and
Below is a list of the birds seen during the Easter break April 10-13th 1998
by members of the Cairns BOCA and NQ Naturalists Clubs as requested by a
number of people. For those who don't know, Georgetown is 410 kms west of
Cairns on the road to Normanton in the Gulf of Carpentaria. All birds were
seen within a radius of 30 km of the town.
Emu + 2 young Stubble Quail
Brown Quail Magpie Goose + immatures
Plumed Whistling-duck + chicks Wandering Whistling-duck + chicks
Australian Wood Duck + immatures Green Pygmy-goose
Pacific Black Duck + chicks & immatures Australasian Shoveller
Grey Teal + immatures Pink Eared Duck
Hardhead Australian Grebe + immatures
Great Crested Grebe Darter + nestling
Little Pied Cormorant Little Black Cormorant
Great Cormorant Australian Pelican
White-faced Heron White-necked Heron
Great Egret Intermediate Egret
Nankeen Night Heron Black Bittern
Glossy Ibis Straw-necked Ibis
Yellow-billed Spoonbill Black Shouldered Kite
Whistling Kite + nestling Black Kite
Black-breasted Buzzard Spotted Harrier
Swamp Harrier (immature) Brown Goshawk
Wedge-tailed Eagle Brown Falcon
Peregrine Falcon (immatures) Nankeen Kestrel
Brolga Buff-banded Rail
Baillon's Crake (immatures) Eurasian Coot
Little Button-quail Red-chested Button-quail
Comb-crested Jacana Black-winged Stilt + immatures
Black-fronted Dotteral + immatures Red-kneed Dotteral
Masked Lapwing Common Bronzewing
Crested Pigeon Spinifex Pigeon
Squatter Pigeon Diamond Dove
Peaceful Dove Bar-shouldered Dove(h)
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Galah
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cockatiel
Rainbow Lorikeet Red-winged Parrot
Pale-headed Rosella Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo
Common Koel Channel-billed Cuckoo
Pheasant Coucal Tawny Frogmouth + immatures
Aust. Owlet-nightjar Blue-winged Kookaburra
Forest Kingfisher Red-backed Kingfisher
Sacred Kingfisher Rainbow Bee-eater
Dollarbird (immature) Brown Treecreeper
Variegated Fairy-wren Red-backed Fairy-wren
Red-browed Pardalote Striated Pardalote
Weebill White-throated Gerygone
Yellow-rumped Thornbill Little Friarbird
Blue-faced Honeyeater + immatures Yellow-throated Miner
Yellow Honeyeater Grey-fronted Honeyeater
Yellow-tinted Honeyeater Brown Honeyeater
Bar-breasted Honeyeater Rufous-throated Honeyeater + immatures
Banded Honeyeater Jacky Winter
Grey-crowned Babbler Varied Sittella
Rufous Whistler Grey Shrike-thrush
Restless Flycatcher Leaden Flycatcher
Magpie Lark + juveniles Willie Wagtail
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike + immatures White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike
Ground Cuckoo-shrike White-winged Triller
Olive-backed Oriole Black-faced Woodswallow
Grey Butcherbird Pied Butcherbird + immature
Australian Magpie + juveniles Australian Raven
Torresian Crow Apostlebird
Great Bowerbird Singing Bushlark
Richard's Pipit House Sparrow
Zebra Finch Double-barred Finch
Black-throated Finch Masked Finch
Pictorella Mannikin Mistletoebird
Rufous Songlark
Hope you find this list interesting!