At 07:12 PM 4/5/98 +1000, Neville Schrader wrote:
> Question, are they still thinking of doing the atlas in 2.5"
>grids. Looking at our local topographical maps they are all scaled in 2.0"
>grids around the edge. So do you think it might be an idea to look at
>keeping the scale to that which is on topo. maps.
>Best Wishes
>Neville Schrader
Hi Neville,
The issue of grid block size will no doubt be discussed thoroughly at the
Personally, I favour 2.0-minute grids for the reason that you outline above.
However, there are some scientists in Canberra who are suggesting much
smaller grid blocks in some areas. One suggestion that I heard last week is
that some regions be divided into 100 X 100 m grid blocks, particularly in
some forest regions to help with RFAs, etc. Although I can see some value in
doing this, I think it is unrealistic to expect atlassers to collect data on
such a fine scale, and so I will be arguing against doing this, unless I can
be convinced it is possible.
Best wishes,
Dr Stephen Ambrose
Research Manager
Birds Australia (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union)
Australian Bird Research Centre
415 Riversdale Road,
Hawthorn East,
VIC 3123.
Tel: +61 3 9882 2622
Fax: +61 3 9882 2677
Email: S.Ambrose <> (at work)
<> (at home)